2024 CST Annual Scientific Meeting Abstracts


Abstract submission deadline extended to May 22, 2024


  • You will be asked to provide a plain language summary (lay summary) of your study that can be easily understood by members of the community, 200 words maximum.
  • There is no fee for submitting an abstract.
  • We do not accept encore abstracts.
  • All abstracts are to be received electronically.
  • You must create an account to submit an abstract.  
    • Note: If you submitted an abstract to the CST previous meetings 2022-2023), you may use the same abstract account to submit for 2024. 
  • The abstract submitter will be considered as the primary author of the abstract.
  • Submissions from Trainees, must include Supervisor's name and Supervisor's email address.
  • It is the responsibility of the submitter to proofread the abstract submission and correct any errors prior to the abstract close date.
  • An abstract submission may be revised online up until the abstract close date.
  • Once the abstract deadline has passed, all requests for withdrawal must be submitted in writing by email to admin@cst-transplant.ca no later than August 1, 2024.
  • Abstract notifications will go out the week of June 19, 2024.

Abstract Formatting

  • Co-Authors' first name, last name and affiliation must be provided.
  • The abstract must be organized in a structured format with sections for Background, Methods, Results and Conclusion and may not exceed 300 words in total.
  • Do NOT include institutions in the abstract title, body or in the attachments to ensure a blinded review process.
  • Prior to submission, the abstract submitter must ensure the abstract and all contents, including attachments fit on a single 8.5 x 11 page size.
  • Minimum font size allowance is: 10 point
  • Minimum Margin allowance is: Top 1", Bottom: 0.5", Left: 1", Right: 1"

File Attachments

  • Up to a total of three (3) Figures, Images, Tables and/or Charts may be included in JPEG, PDF or PNG format.
  • Each image, figure, table and/or chart must be legible.
  • Each file size cannot exceed more than 3 Megabytes per file.

LOGIN To the Abstract Submission System

Oral Presentations and Poster Information

Oral Presentations

  • There will be two oral abstract presentation sessions: 
    • Trainee oral abstract presentations will be on Wednesday, October 16, 2024, 14:30-15:30 EST
    • Top oral abstracts presentations will be on Friday, October 18, 2024, 9:00-10:00 EST
  • You will have a total of 10 minutes; 7 minutes of presentation, followed by 3 minutes for discussion. Time limits will be strictly enforced. The moderator will start strictly on time and end on time. Presentation times will not be changed.
  • Selected presenters will present in person. 
  • We recommend that the background material be covered in 1-2 slides only. All presenters are required to include a statement disclosing any conflict of interest related to your abstract as the first slide of your presentation.


  • Posters will only be in person.
  • The poster sessions will be held:
    • Wednesday, October 16, 2024, 15:30-16:30 EST

Presenter Disclosure

Speaker Disclosure Slide

  • All presenters are required to include the Speaker Disclosure Slide in their presentations. If you do not include this in your presentation prior to arriving onsite, you will be required to insert it before your presentation.

Generic and Trade Names

  • Presentations must give a balanced view of therapeutic options.
  • Faculty will be asked to use generic names to contribute to this impartiality.
  • If trade names are used, those of several companies should be used rather than only that of a single supporting company.

Unlabeled Uses of Products

  • When an unlabeled use of a commercial product, or an investigational use not yet approved for any purpose is discussed during an educational activity the speaker should disclose that the product is not labeled for the use under discussion or that the product is still investigational.